Sunday, December 31, 2017

End of the Year Top Five Jerseys I Bought

Today is the annual list of jerseys I bought throughout the year. This list was hastily made and completely arbitrary. Thanks for your support through the last two years.  I've got unexciting stuff to post next week, plus Padres FanFest is coming soon next year; January 13th to be exact, so I'll have a lot to post then.

5. SDSU Jersey

 I paid $100 dollars for this and I feel slightly ripped off by it because of it not having actual players name on it or anything stitched on it. I still like the design on the sleeves. Maybe I should have gotten a shirt instead.

4. Mike Zagurski's Erie Seawolves Alternate Red Jersey
I really like wearing it but it's really big on me. Also, I feel bad for the people of Erie who had a lot of snow dumped on them a few days ago. This jersey feels like one of fifteen Zagurski jerseys I bought this year.

3.Kurt Sauer Pre Season Colorado Avalanche Jersey
I like the logo, the colors, the numbers, and I paid $100 for it. It's also big on me, which is typical for hockey jerseys because they wear so much equipment under it. Also, Kurt was listed at six foot and five inches. 

2. Corey Hart Dundlin Blue Jays Mascot Mania Jersey
 I was so excited to win the auction for it then I got it, looked at it, and thought "This is really tacky". I think I wore it a couple of times and if I ever go to another wrestling show, I guess I'll wear this.

1. Philip Humber San Diego Padres Jersey

 Phillip never played for the Padres and in my sleep deprived mind, I bought this thinking he did. Every year I went to FanFest, I would skip the Josh Johnson jersey because I knew he wasn't a Padre. Screw I'm getting Josh Johnson jersey at FanFest. I can start a collection of jerseys with guys who retired before playing on the team. I did wear this to a game last season and a got a few questions about it.

On a slightly odd note, the Padres are signing a lot of their old players to contracts for next season like Tyson Ross got a minor league deal. At this rate, many of jerseys they've sold at FanFest in the past will actually feature current players for the upcoming season. 

Thanks again for visiting. The Instagram is here and I'm going to make one last push to post a lot of stuff I didn't get around to post this year.  

Oh I'm going to be wearing my Browns shirt today because history might be made today:


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