Saturday, December 12, 2020

Goodbye To My Home

 Over the last few months, SDCCU/Qualcomm/Jack Murphy Stadium has be gradually disassembled. San Diego State is building a new stadium at the site along with support buildings for the university.

In 2008 I attended my first NFL game in San Diego. It was a Monday night matchup between the Chargers and the New York Jets led by Brett Favre. It was an electric atmosphere and it was so loud the entire time. I enjoyed the entire experience and it didn't bother me that the stadium was old.

Years later I ended up moving a bit closer to San Diego and I ended up going to a game per season. In the Chargers' last season, I bought season tickets and went to four games.

Even though I didn't go to a lot of events at the stadium, I'm going to miss it. It felt like home go there on Sunday. I was upset when the Chargers went to Los Angeles. I'm glad the university is going to build a brand new, shiny stadium and I hope to go to a game when it opens. Unfortunately, it won't have the cracked concrete, long lines, and the same memories.

With that out of the way, let's talk sports merchandise.

The university is selling the seats from the stadium. I bought a pair and I hope I can pick them up tomorrow. It's kind of an unusual thing to collect but why not. I really liked that place. Also, in a few days they are going to be auctioning away a lot of stuff from the old stadium.

I spent a lot of money on the seats and I don't know if I'll bid on anything.

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