Thursday, April 13, 2017

Padres Sunday Cap

Every Sunday home game, the Padres honor a branch of the military and first responders. I bought an alternate green jersey during last year's FanFest, which they used to wear on Sundays during previous season.  I didn't buy a matching cap for it. This year they weren't on sale. I went to Ross a couple of days ago:

Monday, April 3, 2017

Padres FanFest (Philip Humber, where art thou?)

I got to Petco Park at about 2PM. I went to work in the morning and got held in up traffic going to San Diego for a couple hours. I wrote on here I would go and typically these FanFest posts generate a huge amount of hits for the blog. The more money I spend, the more hits I get.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

2017 Padres FanFest

I plan on going to Padres Fanfest this Saturday. Info on the event can be found here. I am really looking forward to it, so I'll have a lot things to post the following week. Here's the post from last year's edition.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

A Tale of a Cap

Less than decade ago, there was a chain of sporting good stores in Southern California called Chick's Sporting Goods. They sold variety of things in their stores: fishing equipment, hunting equipment, treadmills, licensed merchandise, and other recreational items. Every fall they would have a large tent sale where they would clear out a bunch of items.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Steiner Sports Game Used Yankees Sale

I got an e-mail from Steiner Sport about a Game Used Yankees Sale. They have jerseys, bases, and more for sale:

I'm not buying anything, just wanted to share it.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

New York Yankees Shirt

So I didn't buy into the T-Shirt Club. It was a lot of money to put down at once for a product that I don't know the quality of. If I go to Padres FanFest this year, I can get a lot of stuff for cheap and less money than those packages.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

MLB T-Shirt Club

I got an e-mail today from MLB about this T-Shirt Club. They have different packages and you can choose any team. I might buy a Padres package and post about it when I get each shirt. It looks interesting but it's kind of pricey and the shipments are spread out throughout the calendar year. You have to pay it upfront.